
Thursday, 16 April 2020

Holiday Lock down

How to manage kids' screen time during coronavirus isolation - TechThese last few weeks have been challenging for us , we've just got back from the cook islands , and we were on 14 days isolation , so no work less money and living of what we have. everyone's getting back to work now so were slowly getting back on our feet and things are going great. This lock down also makes our learning feel different , us working at home isn't normal at all , but for now were going to have to put up with it , and maybe we'll get used to it. During the 14 days Isolation we've just been relaxing and settling in,
We weren't aloud to leave the house , so we got our family members to get us groceries.
Now that the 14 day isolation is done , everyone is starting to get back into training and work.
So we'll just see how long this lock down goes on , and hopefully we can make it through.

Thursday, 30 January 2020

Waitangi Introduction lesson 1

What do you know about the Treaty of Waitangi ?

I know that the moari culture people signed
a contract with the European.

What is our opinion on the Treaty ?
I don't think the Maoris knew what they were signing.

What do I want to know about the Treaty of Waitangi?
I want to know if the moari people were strangers or friends
with the Europeans before they signed the contract.

Iwi: A tribe or nation of people

Culture: A way of life, beliefs, customs
and traditions of how people live.

Rangatira: The name of a Maori leader
or chief or a tribe.